“Anne has helped me assess and balance 4 different properties over the years. Her work has had palpable impacts on the health and positive energy of my home and places of work. She is extremely wise and tuned in and has a real gift for feeling the energies of the land and then making suggestions for changes that will optimize well-being. I have found her work very effective!”
— Kristin Lhatso
“Anne (Parker) brought together her vast skills, her broad, passionate knowledge, and her deep sensitivity to the extensive Sacred Geometry study of my home and surrounding land. Her impact was, in truth, immediate: I experienced an inner calmness, a body-heart-mind relaxation, and deep breath, an unmistakable sense of deep attunement and connection to Earth and Heaven. Her marking of the Four Corners has allowed me to check in periodically and make sensible adjustments in response to my life’s unfolding. It is continued to be as powerful now as it was after her study and recommendations, years ago. I am deeply grateful and filled with appreciation for her presence and for the harmonization gift to my home sanctuary. I hope you will too.”
— Anne Hanks
“When I first walked into the house I now live in, the house said to me ‘Welcome Home’! Right after I moved in, I noticed that the energy was almost, but not quite right. A little too much negativity; some odd deviant energy downstairs; and a sense of unbalance. Friends came and helped with energy clearing from, each from their own practice. The energies became more positive and the weird energy downstairs was gone and it felt peaceful and calm. However, there was still some imbalance. I asked Anne to come and come over and do an assessment of the house and yard from her Earth Alchemy practice. Working with her was fascinating. I learned a lot – where the fire and water lines are, how to compensate for the imbalance in how the house was placed on the land, and more. Outside, she recommended stone cairns in specific places and some furniture rearranging inside to avoid the fire and water lines where I work, sit, and sleep. Once it was all in place, I did a small ritual outside to ‘activate’ the cairns. When I finished, it felt as though the house and yard had ‘settled’ – it was a very physical feeling! That night, I slept several hours longer than I had done since I moved in. Thank you, Anne!!”
- Nancy Cebula
“I have had the real privilege to have Anne Parker study and analyze the sacred geometry of both my home and more recently, my Spiritual Group House. The changes in the experiential felt sense from her work, in both locations, were powerful and lasting. Prior to her harmonizing the energies and setting the four corners, I felt unsettled, pulled and out of balance, unsupported physically and in my health and my spiritual practice. Since her harmonization, there is a sense of solidity, clarity and uncluttered clean energy, a true sensation of deep support from the earth. A feeling of coming home that is supportive in body, mind and heart, that is calming and that brings a sense of inner peace, safety and joy. Anne has a true gift, her centered presence and personal clarity are real ingredients to her work. Her talent and skills in harmonization are unique and powerful. And it keeps giving.”